Yellow transition pieces upended and lined up at Bladt site in Aalborg

Bladt Industries to Build Transition Pieces for Vesterhav Nord and Syd

Contracts & Tenders

Vattenfall has awarded Bladt Industries with the contract to manufacture and deliver transition pieces for the Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord offshore wind farms in the Danish North Sea.

Bladt Industries

Bladt Industries will fabricate a total of 41 transition pieces for the Vesterhav project, 21 units for Vesterhav Nord, and 20 units for Vesterhav Syd.

The fabrication is planned to start in the spring of 2022, with delivery planned for early 2023. Each TP will have a height of 22,5 metres and a weight of approximately 260 tons.

The fabrication of the TP’s will take place at Bladt Industries’ facilities in Aalborg, Denmark.

The Vesterhav Syd and Nord offshore wind farms will consist of 41 Siemens Gamesa 8.4 MW wind turbines with a total capacity of 344.4 MW.

The offshore wind farms will both be located 10 kilometres off the West coast of Jutland near Thyborøn (Nord) and Søndervig (Syd) in water depths of approximately 20 metres.

”We are excited to be supplying TP’s for a Danish windfarm and super proud to, again be working with one of Europe’s largest energy companies and experienced offshore developers,” said Anders Søe-Jensen, CEO, Bladt Industries.

”Vattenfall is just like Bladt interested in taking a social responsibility and this project will ensure an education platform for a number of our apprentices that will participate in the manufacturing of the transition pieces.”

Vattenfall had initially planned to commission the wind farms in 2020, but had to delay the projects after the Danish Energy Agency initiated new EIA processes.

The company then changed the layout of the wind farms, pushing the turbines as far offshore as possible. The commissioning of the two wind farms is now expected by the end of 2023.