Hexicon Completes WaveHub Buy

Worley Joins Hexicon’s Two-Turbine Floater Demonstrator Project


Hexicon has partnered with Worley for the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED), Engineering Procurement Fabrication (EPF), and installation management of the TwinWay project in Norway, a pilot to commercialise Hexicon’s floating offshore wind technology.


Through the partnership, Worley will take over the project specific engineering, planning and fabrication phase, including the management of the installation, following successful completion of FEED.

The company plans to carry out the fabrication phase for the project at its Rosenberg facility in Norway.

The TwinWay project, scheduled for 2023, marks the first time that Hexicon’s two-turbine floating wind platform design will be deployed at full scale and will serve for proof of concept to verify and commercialise the foundation technology, TwinWind, at MetCentre deep water site off the coast of Norway.

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During the initial phase of the project, Hexicon has achieved a statement of feasibility and certification report by DNV.

In June this year, Hexicon completed a model test of its two-turbine floating wind platform at the MARIN testing centre in the Netherlands as part of the design work for the TwinWay demonstration project.

The model was tested in extreme weather and operating conditions, where the maximum wave height corresponds to 20 metres at full scale, equivalent to harsh North Sea conditions.