Lillebælt Syd visualisation on a map

European Energy Joins Danish 160 MW Nearshore Project

Business & Finance

Danish utility company behind the Lillebælt Syd (Little Belt South) nearshore wind farm, Sønderborg Forsyning, is entering into a collaboration with European Energy on the development of the project.

Lillebælt Syd visualisation with 20 8 MW turbines; Image: Lillebælt Vind

Lillebælt Vind, the project development company established by Sønderborg Forsyning, plans to build the nearshore wind farm between the islands of Als and Funen (Fyn).

The wind farm will have the capacity of up to 160 MW, with the turbines that come closest to land to be installed at least 4 kilometres off the coast.

The total budget for the establishment of the Little Belt South Wind Farm is approx. DKK 1.6 billion (approx. EUR 215 million).

A final partnership agreement with European Energy is expected to be in place by the end of the year.

For the realisation of the project, an updated environmental impact assessment (EIA) needs to be prepared and approved by the Danish Energy Agency, after which a construction and operation permit would be granted.

The feasibility study that was completed in 2018 included scenarios for 40 wind turbines of a 4 MW class or 20 units with an output of 8 MW.

Now, as the wind turbine technology is progressing fast and the 4 MW turbine is on its way out of the market, the developer is in the process of investigating options for a large, medium and small size turbine, largest of which is a 10 MW turbine with a height of 220 metres, in which case only 16 units would be installed.

This April, Lillebælt Vind and Greater Copenhagen Utility (HOFOR) jointly awarded several contracts for consultancy services for their nearshore wind projects in Øresund (the Sound) and Lillebælt.

Rambøll has been appointed for technical construction consultancy services, as well as for those regarding the projects’ foundations. COWI is doing the same work on the power transmission infrastructure, while New Power Partners, together with Lautec Group and Blue Power Partners, is focusing on the wind turbines.