A map showing wind turbine and export cable locations of the Parc Tramuntana wind farm

BlueFloat Energy Plans to Build 1 GW Floating Wind Farm in Spain

Wind Farm Update

Madrid-headquartered company BlueFloat Energy, which recently teamed up with Falck Renewables to develop offshore wind projects in Scotland, is proposing to build a 1 GW floating wind project in Spain.

BlueFloat Energy; Parc Tramuntana project

The Parc Tramuntana floating offshore wind project would be located off the coast of the region of Empordá, near the Gulf of Roses in Catalonia.

The total planned capacity of 1,000 MW would be installed in two phases of 500 MW, with between 30 and 40 floating wind turbines installed per phase.

BlueFloat Energy aims to begin the permitting process during 2021 and expects it to be completed in 2023, and has partnered with the Spanish engineering group Sener to develop the project. If everything goes according to plan, the floating wind farm could be operational in 2026.

According to the developer, the project would help displace 21 million tonnes of CO2 emissions and would be implemented in a sustainable way for all stakeholders, including the fishing and tourism industries.

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