Equinor and Polenergia Submit CfD Applications in Poland

Equinor and Polenergia Submit CfD Applications in Poland

Wind Farm Update

Equinor and Polenergia have submitted applications for contracts for difference (CfD) for MFW Bałtyk II and MFW Bałtyk III offshore wind farms located in the Polish Baltic sea.


The joint venture partners submitted the applications to the Polish Energy Regulatory Office in accordance with the Polish Offshore Wind Act under which up to 5.9 GW of projects might be awarded CfD support in the first phase of the support scheme.

Equinor is the operator of the projects during the development, construction and operation phases. Polenergia is responsible for obtaining all permits and managing national affairs related to the development of the project.

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The MFW Bałtyk II and MFW Bałtyk III offshore wind projects are located in the southwestern part of the Baltic Sea, 22-37 kilometres off the coast of Poland in water depths of around 25 to 40 metres.

The combined area has the potential to generate up to 1,440 MW – enough electricity to power approximately two million Polish homes.

”Poland has set ambitious goals for offshore wind energy as part of a broad energy transformation,” said Equinor’s country manager Michał Kołodziejczyk.

”Equinor wants to be the lead partner in this process. Submitted applications for support for MFW Bałtyk II and MFW Bałtyk III are a milestone for our projects. We are currently expecting the decision of the Ministry of Climate on the maximum price for electricity in the support system for offshore wind farms. This determines the further development of these projects and the emerging offshore wind energy sector in Poland.”

Equinor and Polenergia are also jointly developing the MFW Bałtyk I offshore wind project. The area has the potential to generate up to 1,500 MW and is following a different timeline and is being matured accordingly.