Poland’s Offshore Wind Act Becomes Law

Poland's Offshore Wind Act Becomes Law
Source: Gregorz Jakubowski / KPRP

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has signed the Offshore Act into law.

Gregorz Jakubowski / KPRP

The Offshore Act regulates the development of offshore wind farms in the Polish Baltic Sea.

The legislation allows for 10.9 GW of offshore wind capacity to be either operational or under development by 2027.

5.9 GW of capacity will be offered via Contracts for Difference (CfDs) by the end of June 2021.

This capacity will be allocated to projects which are at the most advanced stages of development. Some of these projects could be operational by 2025.

The CfDs will be granted by way of an administrative decision by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE).

The second phase of development will include two auctions, the first in 2025 and the second in 2027, both for 2.5 GW of capacity.

The legislation also streamlines the permitting procedures and establishes requirements related to the development of the local supply chain.