Kriegers Flak Monopiles Stand Ready

Kriegers Flak Monopiles Stand Ready

Wind Farm Update

Van Oord has installed all 72 monopiles at Vattenfall’s 605 MW wind farm in the Danish Baltic Sea.

Vattenfall/Van Oord/Illustration

The last monopile was en-route to the installation site, after completion at EEW Special Pipe Constructions GmbH in Rostock, on 24 August, the German company said.

Van Oord’s heavy lift installation vessel Svanen installed the first monopile foundation at the site some 15-40 kilometres offshore mid-May.

The transport of the monopiles, which was handled by Van Oord, was undertaken by means of floating and took between eight and ten hours.

“The installation of the 72nd and thus last monopile marks a significant milestone for Vattenfall, especially under the current COVID-19 conditions. Both the production and the load-out in Rostock were professional, on schedule and without any incidents. On behalf of Vattenfall, I would like to express my particular thanks for the sincere collaborative partnership with EEW SPC,” said Markus Lapke, Senior Package Manager Civil Works, Danish Kriegers Flak at Vattenfall.

EEW SPC manufactured all 72 monopiles for the project.

“With the Kriegers Flak project, EEW SPC has already produced more than 1,900 monopiles that have been or will be installed at sea. We would like to thank Vattenfall for the renewed confidence placed in us and look forward to continuing our professional and excellent cooperation,” said Heiko Mützelburg, CEO/Managing Director at EEW SPC.

The monopile foundations will support the wind farm’s 72 Siemens Gamesa 8.4 MW wind turbines installed.

Vattenfall, the owner and developer of the project, plans to have the wind farm fully up and running in 2021.

Once commissioned, Kriegers Flak will become Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm.

NOTE: The original article has been amended.