Poland Increases Capacity in Updated Draft Offshore Wind Bill


The Polish government has published a revised draft offshore wind bill which would allow for 5.9 GW instead of 4.6 GW of capacity to be offered via Contracts for Difference (CfDs) by the end of June 2021.


According to the Polish Wind Energy Association (PSEW), this 5.9 GW in the first phase of development correspond to the real potential of advanced projects, i.e. those that already have or will be able to sign a connection agreement within a specified period of time.

The government plans the second phase of development to include two auctions, the first in 2025 and the second in 2027, both for 2.5 GW of capacity.

This means that the revised draft does not include the 2023 and 2028 auctions as announced in January.

The new draft also proposes solutions for the connection of offshore wind farms to the national grid, which envisages investors to be responsible for constructing and financing the connection.

However, state-owned transmission system operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne will have the right of first refusal in case of a potential sale by the investor.