Floating LiDAR Needed for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm Site in Denmark

Contracts & Tenders

Danish transmission system operator Energinet has issued a call for tenders for LiDAR measurements at the Hesselø offshore wind project area in Kattegatt, 30 kilometres north of the coast of the island of Seeland (Zealand).

Danish Energy Agency

The tender call states that a floating LiDAR buoy will be deployed at the project site for twelve months to measure wind speed and direction. Furthermore, oceanographic data will be measured at the same location, either by the same floating LiDAR system, or by another system.

The contract, valued at EUR 1.5 million, comprises an option for extension beyond the initial twelve months contract duration.

Deadline for submission of tenders is 11 August.

Following the Danish Parliament’s decision to commence the development of the Hesselø offshore wind project, the Danish Energy Agency has instructed the Energinet to initiate site investigations, environmental and metocean studies, and analysis for the area’s grid connection.

As reported a few days ago, Denmark decided to accelerate the tendering procedure for the Hesselø project to allow for the commissioning stage to be reached a year earlier than initially planned.

Initially, Hesselø was scheduled for commissioning in 2028, but according to the recently approved Climate Action Plan, both Hesselø and Thor offshore wind farms will be commissioned in 2027.

Denmark plans to start the tendering procedure for the development of the Hesselø offshore wind farm in 2021 and select the winner in 2022.