Iberdrola Gives Status Update on German and French Offshore Wind Projects

Grid Connection

Preliminary agreements to ensure the grid connection for the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind project in France and the Baltic Eagle and Wikinger Süd projects in Germany have been concluded, Iberdrola said.

For Saint-Brieuc, a preliminary agreement has been concluded with grid operator RTE to ensure the grid connection will be available in the second quarter of 2023, according to Iberdrola’s 2019 financial results.

Iberdrola (Illustration)

The main suppliers for the 496MW project continue to be appointed to supply foundations, the substation, interconnection cables and installation work, with most of the suppliers now in place.

Additionally, a preliminary agreement has been closed with grid operator 50Hertz for Baltic Eagle and Wikinger Süd to ensure connection to the grid by 2024. Design work is also continuing as planned.

The 476MW Baltic Eagle and the 10MW Wikinger Süd projects remain on schedule, Iberdrola reported, emphasizing that site analysis and permitting activities are also on time.