DEME Completes SeaMade Export Cable Pull-In

Wind Farm Update

DEME Group has completed the pull-in of two export cables of the SeaMade offshore wind project into Elia’s Offshore SwitchYard (OSY) platform. 

DEME Group

DEME’s cable-laying vessel Living Stone picked up the export cables for the 487MW project from Hellenic Cables’ facility in Soussaki, Greece, in mid-November.

SeaMade will have two offshore substations, which will collect the electricity produced by the turbines, convert it from 33kV to 220kV, and export it into the grid via Elia’s Modular Offshore Grid (MOG).

In a consortium with Hellenic Cables, Tideway, part of DEME Offshore, is responsible for the export cable design, manufacturing and installation operations, and for connecting the wind farm’s high voltage substations to the MOG.

SeaMade comprises the 252MW Seastar and the 235MW Mermaid offshore wind projects which will feature 58 Siemens Gamesa 8.0-167 DD turbines installed some 40-50km off the coast of Ostend.

It will be Belgium’s largest offshore wind farm once commissioned in 2020.