Deutsche Bucht Mono Bucket Installation Hits a Snag

Wind Farm Update

The installation of the first of two mono bucket foundations at the Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm has been paused due to a technical issue and for further evaluation, according to Northland Power.

Northland Power

Northland Power has emphasized that the pause does not impact the 31 turbines on monopile foundations since the mono bucket installations are part of a pilot project designed to test the technology.

To remind, in mid-November, jack-up vessel Seajacks Scylla loaded the first mono bucket at Bladt Industries’ facility in Lindø, Denmark, preparing for installation in the German North Sea.

The 269MW Deutsche Bucht project will feature a total of 33 MHI Vestas 8.4MW turbines located some 95km northwest of the Borkum Island.

The 31 turbines installed on monopile foundations were commissioned at the end of September.