NYSERDA Deploys Floating LiDARs in New York Bight


The New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) has deployed two floating LiDARs in the New York Bight to study the metocean conditions.

New York Offshore Wind Alliance (NYOWA)
NYSERDA Deploys Floating LiDARS in New York Bight

According to NYSERDA, the metocean buoys are designed specifically for offshore wind and equipped with environmental and wildlife sensors.

The LiDARs will be collecting data for two years, which will be used to improve understanding of site conditions necessary for the development of offshore wind.

The sensors will also provide data about the presence, frequency and distribution of birds, bats and marine mammals.

In February, NYSERDA contracted DNV GL and Ocean Tech Services to study the metocean conditions at the site located 20 miles off the Atlantic coast.

Ocean Tech Services is the Floating LiDAR System Supplier (FLSS) responsible for permitting, hardware, deployment, maintenance, and decommissioning the system, with EOLOS supplying the accompanying technology.

DNV GL is the Data Management and Analysis Contractor (DMAC) focused primarily on data analysis, storage and presentation.

NYSERDA Puts Floating LiDARS in New York Bight
New York Offshore Wind Alliance (NYOWA)