GE Haliade-X 12 MW Turbine Good Fit with Monopile Foundations

GE’s Haliade-X 12 MW offshore wind turbine is well suited and competitive for monopile solution over a wide range of site conditions, according to the specialist engineering firm Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions (GDG).


GDG has been working with GE Renewable Energy to develop optimized XL Monopile soil-structure interaction models to support GE’s development of optimized foundation designs for the new Haliade-X 12 MW turbine.

Under GE technical supervision, GDG has worked in partnership with French engineering firm MAREAL to develop optimized monopile foundations for the 12MW turbine. This foundation design study has included investigations of multiple sites around the world with a range of water depths and different ground conditions.

The soil-structure interaction analysis included a detailed assessment of the geotechnical and structural capacity of the monopiles, including dynamic interaction and fatigue assessment.

A critical aspect of this analysis was the non-linear finite element modelling undertaken by GDG to determine the response of the XL-monopiles to the turbine loading under a range of different operating conditions, the company said.

GDG will also provide GE with research engineering services to assist in optimising the foundations to support the Haliade-X 12 MW turbine. Specific subjects being investigated by GDG on behalf of General Electric include streamlining the monopile design process for different soil conditions based on quantifying the normalised soil response for different geotechnical conditions; using 3D Finite element methods to develop site-specificc soil reaction curves; and analysing the impact of soil damping to more accurately analyse fatigue, reduce loading, and increase monopile efficiency.

GE plans to install the prototype Haliade-X 12 MW turbine in the Port of Rotterdam this summer.

NOTE: The original article was updated on 21 February, 11 AM, CET.