Eneco Signs SeaMade Power Purchase Agreement

Business & Finance

Eneco has concluded a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for the SeaMade offshore wind project in Belgium.

Source: Siemens Gamesa

Under the agreement, the Netherlands-headquartered company will purchase all the power generated by the 487MW offshore wind project once commissioned in 2020.

Besides Eneco Wind Belgium (12.5%), other project shareholders include Engie Electrabel (17.5%) and the Otary consortium (70%).

“We aim for growth with respect to customers, sustainable energy and smart energy services. These areas are strongly interrelated,” said Kees-Jan Rameau, Chief Strategic Growth Officer at Eneco.

“For example, as a result of the acquisition of ENI last year, we welcomed a large number of new customers in Belgium. I am proud that, in time, this long-term agreement will allow us to supply them with green power that is completely generated locally.”

SeaMade, which includes the construction of the merged 235MW Mermaid and 252MW Seastar projects, reached a financial close at the beginning of December.

The 487MW wind farm will feature a total of 58 Siemens Gamesa 8.0-167 DD turbines on monopile foundations and two offshore substations connected to ELIA’s Modular Offshore Grid.

Construction is expected to start in the summer of 2019.