Elia Plants Offshore Flag (Video)

Grid Connection

Belgian utility Elia has shared a video showing the installation of the jacket foundation for the Offshore Switchyard Platform (OSY) in the Belgian North Sea.

Source: YouTube/screenshot

Seaway Heavy Lifting’s Oleg Strashnov has lifted the 1,500-tonne jacket from a barge and placed it onto the seabed in the Belgian North Sea some 40km off the Zeebrugge coast.

The installation works are expected to be completed in the following few days.

“Today we can finally say that Elia is offshore, which is quite an important milestone for us,” Pierre-Yves Guillermin, Project Engineer, said.

The 2,000-tonne OSY platform topside is currently under construction in Heerema Fabrication Group’s yard in Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands, and is scheduled to be installed in March or April 2019.

The OSY platform is a part of Elia’s Modular Offshore Grid (MOG) which will connect Rentel, Northwester 2, and Seamade wind farms to the Belgian grid. MOG is slated for commissioning in the third quarter of 2019.

Video: Elia