OSY Platform Jacket Touching Down in Belgian North Sea

Grid Connection

Seaway Heavy Lifting’s Oleg Strashnov has started installing the jacket foundation for Elia’s Offshore Switchyard Platform (OSY) in the Belgian North Sea.

Source: Elia
Source: Elia

Heerema Fabrication Group (HFG) loaded out the 1,500-ton jacket at its yard in Vlissingen, the Netherlands, in late October.

The OSY topside is under construction at Heerema’s yard in Zwijndrecht and is expected to be installed in the second quarter of 2019. The topside will also be installed by Seaway Heavy Lifting.

The OSY platform is a part of Elia’s Modular Offshore Grid (MOG) which will connect four offshore wind farms to the Belgian grid. The wind farms are Rentel, Northwester 2, and Mermaid and Seastar (now the Seamade project).

Located some 40km off the Zeebrugge coast, MOG is expected to be commissioned in the third quarter of 2019.