OMM Adds DataVerse Software to German Offshore Wind Farm

Offshore Marine Management (OMM) has awarded DataVerse-AIM Ltd with a contract for the supply of its asset integrity management software for the operations and maintenance phase of an offshore wind farm in Germany.

Image source: DataVerse-AIM

The DataVerse application, developed for viewing, editing and the quality control of offshore asset inspection data, offers 2D and 3D presentations of data and the ability to visualize the whole asset, according to DataVerse-AIM.

The company said that the visualization of the whole asset enables the integrity manager to quickly review/analyze asset events or anomalies and communicate planned maintenance requirements to those performing repairs and maintenance scheduling.

“The challenge facing operators is to choose a cost-effective and efficient inspection and maintenance strategy that minimises downtime and lost production during repairs whilst maintaining a comprehensive audit trail and building a knowledge base so the condition and maintenance requirements of the assets are well understood at any given time,” Steve Searle, DataVerse-AIM Business Director, said.

In addition, the program has the ability to visualize the shape and position of components from any perspective, to focus on specific groups of components and to show the inspection status, making it easier to see what is available for inspection and to decide what should be inspected.

Within DataVerse, the condition events recorded have the video and survey data tagged against the asset in real-time and then reviewed offline to classify whether they are anomalous, assigning a risk and consideration for remedial action, DataVerse-AIM said.

According to the company, by linking asset events with survey data and non-spatial information, such as videos, reports, and images, DataVerse creates an integrated project environment that provides the integrity manager with the essential information to manage the site assets.