EMO Hired for Marine Coordination at EnBW’s German OWF Duo

Wind Farm Update

Emden-based EMS Maritime Offshore (EMO) will provide marine coordination during construction of EnBW’s Hohe See and Albatros offshore wind farms in the German North Sea.

Image source: EMO/ archive

During the construction phase and until, and including, the commissioning of the wind farms, a team of nautical engineers will support the team of EnBW in the coordination centre in Hamburg.

Along with ensuring safe and smooth operations of maritime travel at the offshore site, EMO will also coordinate the radio communication and provide emergency support.

The 497MW EnBW Hohe See and the 112MW EnBW Albatros offshore wind farms are located in the so-called ‘exclusive economic zone’ of the German North Sea, adjacent to to each other.

The two wind farms will feature a total of 107 Siemens SWT-7.0-154 wind turbines.

They will be constructed as a joint project and are expected to be commissioned by 2019.