Con4Mare Nets Albatros OWF Job

Wind Farm Update

EnBW has nominated Con4Mare to provide Marine Warranty Survey Services for the Albatros offshore wind farm in Germany.

Illustration (Image source: EnBW)

Con4Mare’s scope of work covers the transportation and installation of the foundations, wind turbines, array cables and the offshore substation.

Albatros consists of 16 Siemens SWT-7.0-154 wind turbines, providing a total capacity of 112MW. The project is located close to the 497MW EnBW Hohe See wind farm in the south western part of the North Sea within the German Exclusive Economic Zone.

The two wind farms will be constructed as a joint project and are expected to be commissioned by 2019.

Siemens AG has been appointed general contractor for the Albatros wind turbines, foundations and the transformer station.

Belgian company GeoSea NV, part of the DEME Group, is the subcontractor responsible for the foundations.

The contractual partner for the array cabling at the wind farm is VBMS GmbH.

EnBW made the final investment decision for the Albatros offshore wind farm at the beginning of May.