Global Marine Bridges SPS Gap


Global Marine Systems Limited has achieved an SPS (Special Purpose Ships) notation for its C.S. Sovereign multi-role DPS-2 vessel which can now carry up to 50 people on board over and above the working crew, such as client representatives or project specific personnel. 

Source: Globar Marine

The SPS Code, introduced in 1983, and updated and revised into the SPS Code 2008, provides an appropriate level of safety for both the vessel and the persons carried.

The code has provided a solution, which bridges the gap between the regulations required for either cargo or passenger ships, providing operational flexibility to multiple industry sectors including offshore renewables.

“Gaining SPS notation has taken two years and a lot of hard work in consultation with ABS [our classification society] and the UK Flag State for the vessel in the form of the MCA,” said Captain Simon Hibberd, Director Fleet & Operational Support at Global Marine.

“It opens up opportunities for C.S. Sovereign that we previously have not had. It’s been a big undertaking for the ship and crew to achieve, however, this is an important development as the SPS notation offers genuine market differentiation positioning us to meet the demands of the ever changing offshore market.”