AOWFL Seeks Local Content for Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm

Business & Finance

Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm Ltd (AOWFL), the company behind the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC), has invited members of the regional business community to the second local supply chain event to be held at Chester Hotel, Aberdeen, on 9 September.

Source: Vattenfall

Vattenfall, the sole owner of the wind farm, will provide a project update which will be followed by presentations by the three tier one contractors: J.Murphy & Sons, MHI Vestas and Boskalis. They will present their work packages and outline potential opportunities for local businesses.

The Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), Vattenfall’s supportive partner in the development of the project, and Scottish Enterprise, will also have booths at the event, showcasing how they can support businesses throughout the procurement process.

The EOWDC, off Aberdeen Bay, is an 11-turbine, 92.4MW facility committed to testing and demonstratng innovative offshore wind technology.

Vattenfall made a final investment decision for the EUR 317 million project in July 2016.

Works onsite are planned to begin in October and the final electrical system testing will bring the project to completion in March 2018.