First Monopile In at Nordsee One

Wind Farm Update

The first monopile foundation was installed at the Nordsee One offshore wind farm site on December 15 – ahead of schedule.

GeoSea, which has been contracted to install the monopiles produced by Ambau, will continue the work through the remainder of 2015 and into 2016. The monopiles are being installed in water depths ranging between 25 and 29 meters.

Installation vessel "Innovation" (Photo: RWE)

The 332MW Nordsee One offshore wind farm is located in German territorial waters in the North Sea, 40 kilometers north of Juist Island. It is expected to be operational in 2017, and to generate over 1,300 gigawatt hours of electricity per year, enough to meet the needs of 400,000 German households.

The wind farm will comprise 54 Senvion turbines and is owned by Northland Power Inc. (85%) and RWE Innogy GmbH (15%).

Photos: RWE