Transformers for DolWin3 Onshore Substation on Their Way

Grid Connection

On Sunday, 13 December, two 475-ton electric transformers for the onshore substation of the DolWin3 project will embark on the last stage of their journey to the Dörpen West converter station in Heede, Germany.

Photo: TenneT

The transport of the transformers started in late November from GE’s transformer factory in Mönchengladbach.

In 2013, TenneT awarded a contract for the supply and construction of DolWin3 onshore and offshore converter stations as well as the connecting cable systems to Alstom, which recently sold its power and grid businesses to GE.

From 2017, the DolWin3 project will provide the grid connection for offshore wind farms with transmission capacity of up to 900 megawatts.