Babcock Bags Rampion Substation Contract

Business & Finance

Babcock has won a contract to deliver the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of the 2500 tonne offshore sub-station platform (OSP) topside and jacket for the Rampion offshore wind farm.

From its base in Rosyth, the company will fabricate and load-out the components for the UK’s Round 3 project, which will ultimately be located within the English Channel.

Babcock said it will deliver this programme through a combination of work undertaken at Rosyth and specialist sub-contract packages which are currently being finalised.

The programme will commence immediately with Babcock undertaking design work, the manufacturing phase is then planned to start Q3 2015, with completion of the project scheduled for December 2016.

The 400 Megawatt (MW) project being built by energy company E.ON, alongside partners the UK Green Investment Bank plc (GIB) will include 116 turbines, with the nearest located 13 kilometres from shore.

Ian Donnelly, Babcock’s Managing Director, Energy and Marine Services said: “The project will sustain over 100 positions at Rosyth and will have positive spin-offs for the wider supply chain in Scotland, as well as providing training and development opportunities in specialist skills and offshore renewable expertise at Rosyth.”

Source: Invest in Fife; Image: Rampion Offshore Wind Farm