Enel Green Power Joins Ocean Energy Europe

Enel Green Power (EGP), part of Enel Group has became a member of Ocean Energy Europe.

EGP operates around 750 plants in 16 countries in Europe and the American continent with an annual production of 29 billion kWh from water, sun, wind and the Earth’s heat – enough to meet the energy needs of approximately 10 million households and avoid the emission of over 16 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.

EGP, in cooperation with 40South Energy, is working on a wave energy project off Elba Island in Italy.

Furthermore, EGP, in partnership with DCNS, was selected in 2014 by the Chilean development organisation CORFO (Corporación de Fomento de la Producción) to set up an international centre of excellence on ocean energy. The 8-year project, will carry out research and development activities on wave and tidal energy technologies along the coast of Chile and will serve as a hub for innovation for ocean energy in Chile and at global level.

“We look forward to working with Enel Green Power. Their solid expertise and experience in many renewable energy technologies and projects in Europe and beyond will be hugely valuable to the ocean energy industry and adds to its growing credibility as a future major player in the electricity market,” said Rémi Gruet, CEO Ocean Energy Europe.

Image: 40South Energy