Denmark: Bladt Acquires Largest DAVI Plate Roll

Denmark: Bladt Acquires Largest DAVI Plate Roll

After having purchased several DAVI plate rolls, the largest Danish company in wind energy fabricating have purchased a further 4 roll with capacity of 4000 x 145 mm to cold roll mono-piles for offshore wind towers.

After the successful installation, the DAVI engineers provided an intensive training to Bladt operators on the use of the new DAVI iRoll device. “iRoll, available on Apple Store and running on iPad, – said Orazio Davi, presidentis the most integrated CYBER CNC that represent the highest level of automation for plate roll. It is particularly suitable to help the operators to bend plate in manual (CNC assisted) mode. DAVI iRoll – continues Orazio Davi – supports the operator during the bending process, giving useful information to roll that particular plate.” The customer became one of the few largest fabricating companies in the offshore wind construction.


Press release, October 18, 2012; Image: davi