USA: Cape Wind Not Authorized for Construction, Says APNS

USA: Cape Wind Not Authorized for Construction, Says APNS

Following the announcement made by Cape Wind, regarding the commence of geological survey in Nantucket Sound, the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound issued a press release, saying:

Survey work is standard and does not change the fact that Cape Wind developers have no authority to begin construction.

Cape Wind continues to face serious and growing problems, with investigations being launched into the project’s political maneuvering, four federal lawsuits pending and a recent federal court decision to revoke Cape Wind’s aviation safety permit.

Congressman Stearns, Senator Brown and Congressman Murphy have all called for a federal probe into the political pressure on the FAA that led it to put public safety at risk with this project.

Ratepayers and businesses across Massachusetts should be relieved to know that this survey work will not lead to anything, as Cape Wind will never be built.


Offshore WIND staff, July 6, 2012; Image: APNS