Renewable Output up by 50 pct in UK

Business & Finance


Commenting on 2010 renewables output figures from the Department of Energy and Climate Change, Niall Stuart, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, said:

 “The figures show that even in an exceptionally dry and calm year, renewables still met over 30 per cent of the annual demand for electricity from every home and business in Scotland. This reinforces that the sector is now a major part of our energy mix, and a significant part of our economy.

 “Our hydro sector met more than 10 per cent of sales to consumers across the country.

 “The report also shows massive growth in output in the first half of 2011 – wind up by 120 per cent and hydro up by 75 per cent this year as wind and rainfall returned to normal – meaning that renewables are providing greater levels of power than ever before.

“The sector is meeting a growing proportion of electricity demand in the UK and Scotland and this year will save yet more carbon emissions from our power sector.”


Source: scottishrenewables, September 30, 2011