357 results found for 'greater gabbard'

357 results found for 'greater gabbard'
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  • 10 February 2012

    A Norfolk-based company has secured a contract to transfer workers between Lowestoft and a proposed Greater Gabbard wind farm offshore Suffolk, reports EDP 24. The five-month contract worth GBP 300.000 will help Tidal Transit create three new jobs. The wind farm, which is located 25 kilometres off the coast of Suffolk, will comprise 140 wind […]

  • 10 November 2011

    SSE has downplayed concerns about the future of its flagship offshore wind farm, despite revealing that up to 52 foundations on the 500MW… (businessgreen) [mappress] Source: businessgreen, November 10, 2011;

  • 12 April 2012
    Business & Finance

    According to the latest developments Fluor Corp. (FLR) will be faced with a counterclaim, to be raised by RWE AG (RWE) and SSE Plc (SSE) in respect to the North Sea offshore wind farm, Bloomberg reports. The dispute between the aforementioned parties stems from the fact that Greater Gabbard, the joint venture between RWE and […]

  • 3 May 2011
    Grid Connection

    Offshore Marine Management (OMM) has recently secured a contract with Fluor for the installation and subsequent trenching of 29 inter-array cables at the Greater Gabbard wind farm 14Nm from Felixstowe, East Anglia. OMM will start work immediately on the 500MW Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm project, which is the most prestigious cable installation project the […]

  • 14 April 2021
    Operations & Maintenance, Technology

    XOCEAN has completed a survey at the Hornsea One offshore wind farm in the UK, using its uncrewed surface vessel (USV). The USV conducted the offshore operation in three-and-a-half-days, mobilising from Bridlington Harbour in Yorkshire. The vessel was launched and recovered from shore, 120 kilometres from the offshore surveying location. The USV was slipway launched […]

  • 27 April 2015

    Strainstall, part of James Fisher and Sons plc, has completed the world’s first Intelligent Fender System (IFS) trial with energy companies SSE and RWE at their Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm. The Intelligent Fender System is an in-house developed technology which provides accurate and recordable data to improve safety and increase operational efficiency for vessels and offshore wind […]

  • 8 August 2013

    Seajacks yesterday hosted the Energy Minister, Rt. Hon. Michael Fallon, MP at its Great Yarmouth offices for an EEEGR roundtable event on the energy opportunity in East Anglia. The Minister was in the region to open the Greater Gabbard wind farm and tour other energy sites and kicked-off his visit by visiting the new Seajacks […]

  • 5 February 2016
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    On 4 February, Ofgem granted an electricity generation licence to Galloper Wind Farm Limited.  With the licence in place, the company developing the Galloper offshore wind farm is authorised to generate electricity in Great Britain, the territorial sea adjacent to Great Britain, or in a Renewable Energy Zone, “for the purpose of giving a supply to any premises or enabling a […]

  • 14 February 2013

    Njord Avocet & Njord Kittiwake arrived in Lowestoft on 4th February. Their first trip from Rotterdam to Lowestoft offered up Force 7 winds and seas of up to 3.5m – a good opening test for the new vessels and one in which they performed excellently. Njord Kittiwake was selected for the first test on Greater […]

  • 18 May 2015

    Dalby Offshore’s latest addition to the fleet – a 23m jet vessel the Dalby Don – is on schedule for her launch in October 2015. The Don is the sister to the Dalby Swale delivered in June 2014 from Alicat Workboats. The Swale has worked on the Greater Gabbard and London Array offshore wind farms. Whit […]

  • 13 November 2020
    Contracts & Tenders, Environment, Wind Farm Update

    North Falls Offshore Wind has hired Royal HaskoningDHV to provide the leading Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services in support of the Development Consent Order application for the Greater Gabbard extension project. The up to 504 MW North Falls is one of the seven UK offshore wind farm extension projects that secured Agreements for Lease with […]

  • 27 October 2010

    In the October edition strong focus on subsea cable installation and surveying while Wilfried Breuer of Siemens Energy Sector explains Siemens’ experience in grid connection so far. Join us also on board of the Jumbo Javelin on her last installation trip to the Greater Gabbard wind farm and read about the latest developments in China. […]

  • 16 May 2023
    Business development, Environment, Research & Development, Wind Farm Update

    RWE and SSE Renewables have commenced the statutory consultation on their proposals for the North Falls offshore wind farm, an extension to the existing Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm that is being developed in the southern North Sea. In this third round of consultation, the project team seeks comments from communities and the wider public […]

  • 22 January 2016
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Consultant engineers from WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff will provide quality inspection services on the 336MW Galloper Offshore Wind Farm. The company’s engineers will undertake inspection and surveillance planning services including assurance, quality, control and audit services on the sub-sea high voltage cable and the offshore platform that are currently under construction off the coast of Suffolk. Galloper Wind Farm Ltd […]

  • 17 June 2015

    Burgess Marine has completed a £3m contract for the first of a new generation of offshore support vessels. The company has built the craft for Mainprize Offshore at its shipyard at Trafalgar Wharf in Portchester, near Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK. The 25-metre boat, the MO2, was delivered at the Seawork 2015 commercial marine and workboat conference […]

  • 10 April 2015

    Offshore WIND’s photo of the day: Tidal Transit’s personnel transfer vessels (PTVs) Katie Louise, Eden Rose and Ginny Louise at the Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm.  Ginny Louise and Eden Rose have been in permanent use on the Greater Gabbard and Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farms since their arrival in the UK. Katie Louise was hired last month […]

  • 7 July 2014
    Business & Finance, Environment, Operations & Maintenance

    Dalby Swale has helft Alicat Workboats in Great Yarmouth and is now heading for Lowestoft, where she will begin her first job on the Greater Gabbard Wind Farm. Dalby Swale, the new 23m vessel built by Alicat, was delivered to Dalby Offshore at the Seawork Exhibition last month. The 500MW wind farm is located 23 kilometres […]

  • 1 April 2011

    Whilst offshore wind is booming in many countries, offshore wind farms require additional capital investment due to more expensive marine foundations, integration in to the electrical network, and installation procedures in addition to limited access for O&M during operation. The new Offshore Wind Installations and Constructions Report published by Wind Energy Update has found that […]

  • 6 May 2010

    Grouting seals for wind turbines are notoriously difficult to produce, with many failing during installation. With a recent Government announcement that 6,000 new wind turbines will be built around the coast of the UK in the next few years, this is a problem that needs a solution. That solution comes in the form of the […]

  • 19 January 2011

    Energy comparison customers might be interested to note that an energy firm has started generating wind power from two offshore farms.   (energyhelpline) [mappress] Source: energyhelpline, January 19, 2011

  • 18 October 2011
    Business & Finance

      Reef Subsea AS announced that its new UK subsidiary, Reef Subsea Power & Umbilical Ltd. – based in North East England – is able to provide subsea installation and trenching services to its clients in both the Offshore Oil & Gas and Renewables markets. The company has just announced an order for a new […]

  • 7 February 2012
    Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    A2Sea’s Sea Worker has successfully installed the first two of 175 turbines at Array Offshore Wind Farm, and it is expected for them to start producing power in March, reports Businessgreen. They are the Siemens’ 3.6MW machines, which were tested at Hornsea zone and are already being used at the Burbo bank. The plan is […]

  • 24 August 2015

    Windcat Workboats MD, Neil Clarkson, has formally handed over Windcat 38 to its new client – SSE’s Head of Offshore Wind Generation, Steve Rose. SSE chartered the vessel to work on Great Gabbard OWF. The presentation of the newly built 19m vessel took place at Windcat’s new marine engineering facility in Lowestoft, UK. Steve Rose […]

  • 21 October 2020
    Wind Farm Update

    The RWE-led Awel y Môr offshore wind farm has completed its first offshore geophysical exploratory works with Fugro GB Marine Ltd taking the helm. As part of the development of the Awel y Môr wind farm offshore Wales, studies of the seafloor have to be carried out. These in turn will help inform the final […]

  • 31 January 2018
    Business & Finance

    SSE informed that it expects its 2017/2018 capital and investment expenditure to be around GBP 1.6 billion, instead of previously anticipated GBP 1.7 billion. From 1 April to 31 December 2017, SSE’s capital spend totalled GBP 1.1 billion and has included, among other things, around GBP 355 million investment in on- and offshore wind. 

  • 21 January 2013

    Japan is planning to begin the construction of the world’s largest wind farm in July, placing it 16 kilometers off the coast of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, reports RT news portal. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011, Japan turned off all of their 54 nuclear reactors and turned to renewable resources, […]