Aspiravi Acquiring Parkwind’s Stake in 216 MW Belgian Offshore Wind Farm

Business & Finance

Aspiravi Offshore, part of the Aspiravi Group, will acquire all of Parkwind’s shares in the Northwind offshore wind farm in the Belgian North Sea, increasing its stake to 70 per cent in the 216 MW project.

The new shareholder structure between Aspiravi Offshore and Sumitomo Corporation follows the sale of Parkwind to Japan’s JERA Green in the summer of 2023.

Aspiravi Offshore, which was already the main shareholder with 40 per cent of the shares of Northwind, was able to exercise its pre-emption right over the shares held by Parkwind. Sumitomo Corporation decided not to assert its pre-emption right.

Following the necessary regulatory approvals, Aspiravi Offshore acquires a 70 per cent stake in Northwind offshore wind farm while Sumitomo Corporation retains the remaining 30 per cent.

In addition to the 216 MW project, Aspiravi Group is also a shareholder in Rentel and SeaMade offshore wind farms.

Northwind offshore wind farm is located in the Belgian waters of the North Sea on the Lodewijk Bank, 37 kilometres from the coast, and features 72 MVOW turbines.

The wind farm development commenced in 2005 and it was built in 2013. Operational since 2014, the project has produced green electricity for the average annual consumption of 250,000 families.


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