Wind Measurement Campaign Kicks Off at Corio’s Wind Sites Offshore Philippines

Business development

Corio Generation has deployed Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) systems for offshore wind projects in the vicinity of sites in Guimaras and Cavite, the Philippines.

Corio Philippines LiDAR
Alma Roxas-Aguila, Corio’s Development Director, and Evangeline Mangulabnan, Development Manager at Cavite offshore wind project site with the LiDAR (photo credit: Corio Generation)

Designed to withstand the harsh coastal environment with a backup power and monitoring system, the LiDARs will collect detailed information on the wind resources of two potential offshore wind farms. The units will remain operational for at least twelve months.

“The successful deployment of LiDARs represents a major milestone achievement as we continue to develop our projects off the coast of the Philippines. Our campaign to measure the wind resources confirms the progress we have made in bringing forward offshore wind projects for upcoming auctions in the country,” said Alma Roxas-Aguila, Development Director of the Philippines, Corio Generation.

The company aims to develop up to five offshore wind projects totalling 3 GW in the Philippines off the coast of Cavite, Batangas-Mindoro, IIoilo, and Guimaras under wind energy service contracts that provide site exclusivity.

Of the total of 3 GW of the proposed offshore wind projects, 2 GW would be installed using fixed-bottom foundations and 1 GW would use floating wind technology.

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According to the company, Corio, a portfolio company of the Macquarie Group, has been exploring opportunities in the Philippines since before its launch as a new brand in offshore wind in April 2022.

That same month, the World Bank and the Philippines’ Department of Energy (DOE) launched The Philippines Offshore Wind Roadmap, according to which the country has the potential to install as much as 21 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2040 with the right governmental and policy support.

A year later, in April 2023, the Philippines’ Department of Energy, said that it had allocated as many as 63 OSW SCs with a total potential capacity of 49.9 GW by that time.


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