CORROSION Expanding Operations in UK and South Korea


Dutch company CORROSION, providing anti-corrosion and anti-fouling solutions in the offshore wind sector, has expanded its presence in the UK and South Korean offshore wind markets.


The company has entered the new markets through two new dedicated agents, whose appointments come at a time of rapid growth in the demand for sustainable energy from offshore wind farms, with these two markets already ranking among the world leaders, according to CORROSION.

In June, together with the wind energy and electronics company Amphibious Energy, CORROSION launched the new Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP)-POD described as an environmentally-friendly alternative to using diesel generators to supply energy during the construction phase of wind turbines, and sacrificial anodes to protect turbine foundations against corrosion.

The ICCP-POD combines two technologies. The EnergyPod, developed by Amphibious Energy, is an easy-to-transport autonomous energy plant that uses sun, wind, batteries, and intelligent electronics to provide sustainable energy during the 18-month construction of wind turbines, replacing diesel generators in the process.

To protect against corrosion during this construction phase, CORROSION developed compact ICCP units.