Blue Gem Submits Scoping Report for Second Celtic Sea Floater

Blue Gem Submits Scoping Report for Second Celtic Sea Floater

Wind Farm Update

Blue Gem Wind, the joint venture of Total and Simply Blue Energy, has submitted the scoping report for the Valorous floating offshore wind project in the Celtic Sea.

Blue Gem Wind

The proposed Valorous site is located approximately 50 km South West of the Pembrokeshire coastline.

Valorous represents the second floating wind project being progressed by Blue Gem Wind in the Celtic Sea, following on from Erebus, the 96 MW test and demonstration project already in development.

“Blue Gem Wind is progressing its second floating offshore wind stepping stone project in the Celtic Sea,” said Mike Scott, Project Managing Director.

“We believe moving from initial demonstration scale projects, to larger early-commercial developments, will help to capture the highest local supply chain content, and maximise knowledge transfer. We look forward to receiving feedback from Natural Resources Wales on the scoping report.”

Last year, Total and Simply Blue Energy established Blue Gem Wind to develop floating offshore wind projects in the Welsh waters of the Celtic Sea.

The joint venture recently received planning consent from the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority to install a temporary met mast to study the floating offshore wind potential in the Celtic Sea.