TEPCO RP Buys Into TetraSpar Floater Demo Project

Business & Finance

TEPCO Renewable Power (TEPCO RP) has joined the TetraSpar floating foundation demonstration project by buying a 30% stake.

Stiesdal Offshore Technologies

In addition to TEPCO RP, the share structure in the project includes Shell holding a 46.2% share, RWE 23.1% and Stiesdal Offshore Technologies 0.7%.

Through their collaboration on the project, the four partners aim to obtain knowledge in construction, installation, and operation, together with detailed data on these areas, and further refine the TetraSpar technology.

“We are very happy to be able to participate in this groundbreaking project. The TetraSpar technology can also be utilized in Japan’s natural conditions and a more efficient supply chain can be established closer to the project sites,” said Seiichi Fubasami, President of TEPCO RP.

“We believe that it is a promising technology that can play an important part in efforts to promote the transition to renewable energies as primary energy sources.”

The TetraSpar foundation components were manufactured by the Danish Welcon and transported to the port of Grenaa over the summer 2020, where they were assembled in less than two months.

Following the launch of the foundation this year, a 3.6 MW Siemens Gamesa direct-drive turbine will be mounted, after which the combined structure will be towed to the test site of the Marine Energy Test Centre (Metcentre) near Stavanger in Norway.

Commissioning is planned for summer 2021.