First wind turbine standing at the Triton Knoll project site

First Wind Turbine Up at Triton Knoll OWF

Wind Farm Update

The first of the total of 90 offshore wind turbines has been installed at the Triton Knoll offshore wind farm site, located some 32 kilometres offshore Lincolnshire, UK.

Illustration; Triton Knoll OWF; Photo source: RWE

The wind farm is expected to generate first power this Spring, according to RWE.

First wind turbine standing at the Triton Knoll project site

The 9.5 MW MHI Vestas wind turbines are being installed by DEME, which is using Cadeler’s Wind Osprey jack-up vessel.

The vessel arrived at the project site with the first sets of turbines last week, after loading the components at a turbine pre-assembly and construction base, established by Triton Knoll and Vestas at Able Seaton Port, in Teesside.

The 857 MW wind farm is scheduled for full commissioning in 2022.

Triton Knoll is owned by RWE (59%) and partners J-Power (25%) and Kansai Electric Power (16%), with RWE leading the construction on behalf of the partnership.