Specialist Marine Consultants Secures Triton Knoll Work

Specialist Marine Consultants Secures Triton Knoll Work

Contracts & Tenders

Specialist Marine Consultants Ltd (SMC) has secured a contract to provide marine coordination services during the construction of the Triton Knoll offshore wind project.

Triton Knoll

SMC will provide some 30 site technicians to maintain the offshore foundations and assets, including statutory inspections and testing requirements for the assets to remain in service and accessible.

Additionally, the company will provide, manage and re-certify specialist offshore Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and will be responsible for Triton Knoll’s inspection requirements for the vessels supporting the project construction.

“It is an important step in our ambitions for growth, and means we now have the chance to employ more people from the area,” said Ian Coates, Managing Director at SMC.

“Locally, we would hope to create around 35 jobs through the construction period – bringing new people into the sector and hopefully retaining them to work on future projects. We will also be investing in kit from local regional and UK suppliers, as well as using local vessel inspectors.”

Offshore construction is due to start in the first quarter of 2020. The activities will take place out of Triton Knoll’s new base, currently under construction in Grimsby.

Triton Knoll will comprise 90 MHI Vestas turbines, each with a maximum installed capacity of 9.5MW. The 857MW wind farm is owned by innogy, J-Power, and Kansai Electric Power.