HST Harri Shows Its Contours


High Speed Transfers’ (HST) newest fast crew supply vessel HST Harri is taking shape at Damen Shipyards Antalya in Turkey.

High Speed Transfers
HST Harri Shows Its Contours
Source: High Speed Transfers

HST Harri represents the third fast crew supply vessel that HST ordered with Damen under a contract signed at the beginning of this year.

The vessel, which belongs to the FCS 2710 class Damen unveiled in May last year, is expected to be delivered this September.

The FCS 2710 class is capable of carrying 26 passengers, twice more than the previous FCS 2610 design, and is able to operate in wave heights of more than 2m due to an extra meter of freeboard.

Just like HST Sofia, HST Harri will incorporate a few small layout changes to the working areas, but other original specifications will remain unchanged.

Damen delivered the first FCS 2710, HST Hudson, to HST in July 2018, after gathering the experience with the FCS 2610 class and input from clients and end-users.