Polish TSO: Bałtyk I Could Go Full Tilt

Polish TSO: Bałtyk I Could Go Full Tilt

Grid Connection

Polish grid operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE) has specified the connection conditions for the Bałtyk I offshore wind farm, which would allow the project to be built to its full capacity of 1,560MW.


Bałtyk I is being jointly developed by Polenergia and Equinor, who acquired a 50% stake in the project last year, after having signed the agreement to take over half of the stakes in the Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III projects.

The two companies also recently secured an additional 240MW of capacity for the 600MW Bałtyk II offshore wind farm.

The boost implies that the combined capacity of Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III could increase from 1,200MW to 1,440MW, meaning that with the 1,560MW capacity of Bałtyk I the overall capacity could reach up to 3GW.

Polenergia Bałtyk III is expected to deliver first power in 2025, with Polenergia Bałtyk II following suit in 2027. Bałtyk I is still at an early stage of development.

The wind farms will be located offshore the port of Łeba in water depths of 20m to 40m.