Global Offshore Wraps Up Kincardine Export Cable Work

Grid Connection

Global Offshore, part of the Global Marine Group, has completed the installation of the export power cable at the Kincardine floating offshore wind farm in Scotland.

Source: Global Offshore

The team used the company’s multi-purpose vessel Global Symphony for the installation of 18km of export cable.

The overall work scope included pre-installation surveys, grapnel work, installation with the use of a dynamic riser to allow for platform movement, as well as trenching of the cable from Cove to the 2MW Vestas turbine installed at the site in September.

According to Mike Daniel, Managing Director of Global Offshore, the work was completed in a few weeks and represents the sixth project completed by Global Symphony this year.

“There are many advantages of building wind farm sites in deeper water. The floating technology utilised at Kincardine is relatively new to the market, and it’s great to be a part of developing these deepwater solutions for the future,” said Daniel.

In addition to the 2MW turbine, the Kincardine wind farm will feature five more floating turbines with an individual capacity of 9.6MW, scheduled to be installed some 15km offshore Aberdeen in the first half of 2020.

The 50MW project started producing power at the end of October. It is being developed by Kincardine Offshore Windfarm Limited (KOWL), majority owned by Spanish construction company Cobra.