Innogy Sets Out Kaskasi Timeline


Germany’s Bundesnetzagentur has awarded innogy SE with the rights to build and operate the 325MW Kaskasi offshore wind farm in the German North Sea.

Nordsee Ost. Source: innogy

The final investment decision for Kaskasi is expected to be made in spring 2020. The wind farm aims to commence operation in 2022, with definitive timings to be aligned with the offshore grid operator TenneT, innogy said.

According to innogy, Germany’s federal regulatory authority confirmed that the Kaskasi bid was one of the most competitive in the second offshore wind auction round. However, the developer did not reveal the strike price for the project.

The Kaskasi wind farm site offers proven good wind conditions and is sited in moderate water depths of 18 to 25 metres, innogy said.

The wind farm will be built off Heligoland in the same grid connection cluster (HelWin2) as innogy’s Nordsee Ost wind farm. The converter platform required for grid connection has been in operation for several years. It is intended to achieve synergies in operation and maintenance with the neighbouring Nordsee Ost wind farm.

Hans Bünting, COO Renewables of innogy SE, explains: “We are very pleased that our Kaskasi project has been successful in Germany’s latest offshore auction, reconfirming our ability to successfully compete in a challenging market environment. Following our success in the latest renewables auction in UK, in which we received a Contract for Difference for our 860 MW Triton Knoll offshore wind project, this is another milestone in capturing value accretive growth options.”