UKTI Connecting Chinese, UK Offshore Wind Interests

Business & Finance

UKTI is co-ordinating a delegation of major Chinese project developers, turbine manufacturers and design institutes to Global Offshore Wind 2016, on 21 – 22 June in Manchester.

Image: UK Government/ archive

“This will be an excellent opportunity to meet leading companies in this exciting market and to start building the relationships that will be vital if you want to be part of it going forward,” UKTI said.

The UK-China Clean Energy Partnership was agreed by UK Secretary of State, Amber Rudd, and the Administrator of the China National Energy Administration, Nur Beki, in October 2015. Under the agreement two senior offshore wind Industry Advisory Groups have been established to oversee the integration of complementary strengths in both markets.

UKTI is undertaking an enhanced process of engagement and match-making between Chinese and British companies in key areas. This includes bringing a delegation of major Chinese companies to Global Offshore Wind in June, and the coordination of a British mission to the China Wind Power event in Beijing in October. “This is a great chance to build on the relationships developed at Global and to continue the ongoing co-ordination of interests between the UK and China in offshore wind,” UKTI stated.