Final Investment Decision in Place for East Anglia ONE

Wind Farm Update

ScottishPower Renewables has made a final investment decision for the East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm.

Image: East Anglia One Wind

The company will now progress with the development of the wind farm, aiming to put it into operation by 2020.

The project has a capacity of 714MW, enough to power the equivalent of 500,000 homes or the majority of the households in Suffolk and Norfolk. The project will bring substantial investment to the East Anglia’s local economy, including a £25m deal with the Port of Lowestoft to be the home of the wind farm for 30-plus years, during construction and operation phases, ScottishPower Renewables said.

East Anglia ONE is the most cost efficient offshore wind farm ever to confirm construction with the price of £119 MWh secured after a competitive auction process run by the Government, which is more than 15% lower than other offshore wind projects in construction elsewhere in the UK, the company added.

Charlie Jordan, ScottishPower Renewables East Anglia ONE project director, said: “ScottishPower Renewables is leading the way with its approach of actively working towards a target of at least 50% UK supply chain content over the lifetime of the East Anglia ONE project. We have already worked with a wide range of companies across East Anglia and we look forward to working with many more.”

Over the last year, the company has held a number of supply chain events across the region. ScottishPower Renewables’ Skills Strategy for East Anglia ONE has now been agreed with the local councils across Suffolk, with the aim to develop a local skilled workforce who can access future employment opportunities within the offshore wind industry. This will include funding student places on technician and college courses in the local area and launching a STEM ambassador programme.

East Anglia ONE is the first of four wind farms ScottishPower Renewables is planning to build off the East coast.