Poland Seeks OW Geophysical and Environmental Surveys


PGE Energia Odnawialna S.A. has invited tenders for an environmental research with impact report that will assist in obtaining an environmental decision for an offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea.

The research project concerns the proposed offshore wind farm with connecting marine and land infrastructure, aiming to carry out geophysical surveys and environmental studies to assess the impact of the proposed project on the environment. This will also include preparing a report on the project’s impact on the environment and materials necessary to apply for the Procedure of issuing an environmental decision.

Geophysical surveys are aimed at assessing the state of the seabed and the shallow subsurface and obtaining background information for geotechnical measurements necessary for designing and laying the foundations and basic construction of all the wind farm’s subsea devices and cables. The measurements are intended to identify potential geological hazards that could adversely affect the installation and operation of the wind farm.

Environmental tests include the investigation of the marine environment and land located in the area of the planned project and its anticipated impact. The research should make it possible to assess the project’s environmental impact and prepare a report that should be made sufficient to allow a comprehensive evaluation of the project’s impact on the environment.

The measurement areas include EW Baltica 2 and EW Baltica 3 concession zones, located 31km and 25 km off the Polish coast at the border of Slupsk Bank.

Deadline for submission of tenders is September 17, 2015.

Image: Dong Energy (Illustration)