Floating Concrete TLP Platform Passes MARIN Tests


Mocean/DBD Systems/Ewind was selected by Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) to conduct a 2 week long wave tank tests on a unique TLP foundation for deep water sites suitable for the Siemens SWT 6.0-154 6MW offshore wind turbine generators (WTG) and other similar WTGs.

Floating Concrete TLP Platform Passes MARIN Tests

The results of the tests conducted on a 1:50 scale model indicate lower than predicted wave induced accelerations and tendon loads and support the development of a practical foundation solution that allow offshore wind farms to capture the highest wind resource in deep water sites with the smallest environmental footprint because the associated gravity anchor requires minimal seabed preparation and the construction/WTG erection uses local labor and materials in safe harbor ports resulting in the shortest open-water installation time.

The design has been validated for survival conditions up to 10m Hs and above in 150m or more of waterdepth. This was achieved during a 2 week model test campaign in the Concept Basin at Marin Model test centre in Wageningen, Netherlands.

Press Release, June 12, 2014; Image: mocean-offshore