AMEP Plan Goes before UK Parliament’s Committee


The deadline for the UK House of Commons or the House of Lords to pass annulment resolutions against the Special Procedure Order (SPO) on Able’s Marine Energy Park (AMEP) elapsed on May 10. The petitions against the SPO now stand referred to a Joint Committee, and members of the Committee will be announced shortly. 

AMEP Plan Goes Before UK Parliament's Committee

The UK Parliament is reviewing plans for the proposed Able Marine Energy Park (AMEP) in Humberside, after the Associated British Ports’s plan to develop Immingham Western Deepwater Jetty (IWDJ) has emerged.

On March 7, Able Humber Ports Limited, deposited two memorials against the two petitions received from Associated British Ports. The Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords and the Chairman of Ways and Means in the House of Commons considered the two petitions and the two memorials against the petitions and reported to the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

After hearing evidence from the memorialists, Able Humber Ports Limited and the petitioners, Associated British Ports (ABP) on April 2 and 3, the Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords and the Chairman of Ways and Means in the House of Commons decided that the Petitions should be referred to a Joint Committee.

ABP is proposing a compromise, which would allow both projects to be developed.

Offshore WIND staff, May 15, 2014; Image: AMEP