Fundy Tidal Consulting on Turbine Locations


Fundy Tidal is seeking public input on potential locations for tidal turbines in Grand Passage. Turbine locations will be selected based on many factors, including community input, flow speeds, depth, seabed, waves, marine life, fishing zones, and acceptable infringement on navigation.

Fundy Tidal Consulting on Tidal Turbine Locations

Fundy Tidal is currently assessing these factors working in collaboration with Dalhousie University, Acadia University, University of New Brunswick, Dynamic Systems Analysis, and Clean Current Power Systems.

A 1-year demonstration is planned with a turbine from Clean Current, with deployment scheduled for spring 2015. The Clean Current turbine is 3.5 m in diameter and has a rated power of 65 kW. The turbine would supply approximately 130,000 kWh of energy annually, which is enough to power approximately 6 to 8 homes.

Fundy Tidal Consulting on Tidal Turbine Locations
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The study areas are locations within which a turbine or turbines could be deployed. Based on technical considerations, study area GP-3 is currently the preferred location for demonstrating and testing the Clean Current turbine. However, continued assessment including community input could lead to development in other study areas. Any study area selected for further investigation will require detailed assessment of tidal flow and seabed conditions, monitoring environmental conditions, and environmental assessment.

The example shown is a 10 x 15 meter floating platform (red box), surrounded by a 50 x 55 meter no navigation zone (green box) to allow safe clearance of the mooring lines. The design requires site-specific refinement, and is intended to provide a sense of scale for the impact of a floating turbine platform in Grand Passage. Submerged designs that would pose minimal, or no, infringement on navigation are also being assessed.

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Fundy Tidal is seeking public input on the study areas, including preferred locations assuming both floating and submerged designs. Specific focus on the potential for a floating platform in GP-3 would be appreciated, and feedback on all study areas is valued.

A study area will be selected as the focus for activities during the summer, fall, and winter of 2014, leading to deployment of a turbine in early 2015.

Press release, May 2, 2014; Image: Fundy Tidal