APEM Helps with East Anglia ONE Application


APEM recently worked on Scottish Power Renewables and Vattenfall’s application for a major new windfarm off the coast of East Anglia. 

APEM Helps with East Anglia ONE Application

If approved by the government, East Anglia ONE would consist of up to 325 turbines generating 1,200MW, making it one of the biggest offshore windfarms in the world.

APEM began working on the project in April 2010 when they started a programme of aerial bird and marine mammal surveys over the proposed location for the windfarm.

The company also took part in the public hearing about the application, where they provided expert input on offshore ornithology and terrestrial ecology for the application’s environmental statement, conducted wetland bird surveys, consulted with stakeholders and updated a habitats regulations assessment.

APEM director, Stuart Clough, said: “It’s a proud achievement to support an application right from the earliest stages to the final submission.” 

APEM is now carrying out bird surveys and consultancy to support applications for the East Anglia THREE and East Anglia FOUR offshore windfarms.

The government’s decision on the application for East Anglian ONE is expected this summer.

Press Release, April 18, 2014; Image: apemltd