Oregon in Pursuit of Marine Renewables


Oregon in Pursuit of Marine Renewables

The U.S. State of Oregon is on a path to put a wave energy bill into legislation.

Namely, Deborah Boone, a Democratic member of the Oregon House of Representatives, is working on further development of marine renewable energy in the state.

Boone has sponsored a renewable energy bill (House Bill 4042), which would allow marine energy to be used for net-metering, particularly wave power, as wave energy devices had not been included in past net-metering legislation, The Daily Astorian writes.

“The main reason I like this idea is that this is really going to help us during an emergency like a tsunami,” she explained.

On an actual example, if the bill gets signed into law, Oregon Army National Guard’s Camp Rilea could exchange its wave-generated power with energy companies.

The Camp Rilea is one of four Oregon sites chosen to test wave energy technology.


Offshore WIND Staff, March 12, 2014