USA: Narragansett and Deepwater Wind Discuss Block Island OWF Transmission Route

USA: Narragansett and Deepwater Wind Discuss Block Island OWF Transmission Route

A meeting between the Narragansett Town Council and the CEO of Deepwater Wind, Jeff Grybowski, was held on June 26 in the Town Hall, where they discussed a transmission route for the proposed Block Island offshore wind farm, The Block Island Times writes.

The transmission line comprises a subsea cable from the offshore wind farm, which would come on land at Narragansett Town Beach and run along it to the transfer station in the Town of Narragansett.

Mr. Grybowski answered questions made by the councilors on the proposed cable route and its viability for the town.

The possible impact on the beach in terms of the town’s valuable resource was questioned by Councilor Susan Cicilline-Buonanno. Mr. Grybowski answered that it is a “small amount of infrastructure under a beach”, which would have no visual impact whatsoever.

He added that this is an opportunity for the town to benefit financially, as Deepwater Wind would offer the town USD 2.25 million to run the transmission line there.


Offshore WIND Staff, July 4, 2013